6IXTY contains minute-long short stories, written to satisfy an internal itch. Fleeting thoughts shared for easy, simple consumption.

Move Over Cletus

Move Over Cletus

What I'll never understand about conservatives is that they are willfully obtuse. They all would agree that the world has always needed to change, grow and improve. I suppose we would disagree on how it needs to change. However, the world has always moved left. As we move away from history’s authoritarians, monarchies and dictatorships (far-right), we have inched very slowly left over our history. Some countries more slowly than others unfortunately.

Whether it's now, 10, 50, 100, 500 years ago, things change. And it has changed! Again and again and again. And every era brings forth change and always will. No denying it!

Yet every old fogey generation resists the change. Over and over and over.

So we can only inch along at a pace suitable for our the world’s dumbest, most selfish and least deserving people. And they're so catastrophically self-important in the sense that it's a view that can be synthesized down to:

"I like the way things are and refuse to adapt my worldview. My stubborn jackassery has dug in! My inability to accept my own inevitable meaninglessness comes before the greater good. Live to my needs and go forth no faster! I cling to the idea that I am more important than the forward progress of humanity."

And every generation that has pushed for change has locked horns with these same fuckers. As they cling to every -ism du jour and continuation of the status quo that benefits them and hurts others. Human rights, gay rights, civil rights, women's rights... Basically anything that acknowledges pain and suffering is a blight on humanity. Hell if it was up to them, we'd probably still believe in the divine right… That God had ordained our leader to rule over us. (Oh wait, some of these fuckers genuinely believe that shit already, unless it’s a damn dirty lib of course. Then they cheated. As libs do of course.) Over and over and over again, we dance the same dance as our predecessors (humans with any appreciable amount of empathy) with these small-minded cunts who are 0.001% more reasonable than last year's imbeciles. As we are forced to bicker with them over where the absolute baseline is for empathy, intelligence, compassion etc. The fight will never end. They will always hold us back. Forever. And if we ever succeed in any capacity, it is never with them. It is in spite of them. In the world’s philosophical tug of war, they are pulling against us and we are pulling ourselves out of the darkness. Period.

I have come to realize that as we continue to grow as a civilization, no matter how much we achieve. There's always going to be a bunch of absolute fucking morons. Meanwhile, on the other edge of intelligence, we will continue to accumulate knowledge and want to move faster and faster forward, yet ol Cletus just can't warm up to fellers who ain't really fellers. Lord says it ain't natural! It’s in the Bible!

We could probably travel to another galaxy a thousand years from now, and at that very same moment, there will still be some backwoods yokel dippin’… Bitchin’ about some immigrants.

Kiss From A Rose

Kiss From A Rose

Desperately Seeking Splendor

Desperately Seeking Splendor